Discharging device is the last working procedure of small drying machine, the materials after drying will be discharged out of the cylinder through the discharging device, and then it comes to the stacking or transport, so as to complete the whole drying process. According to the different kinds of drying materials required by customers, the discharge device can be divided into two categories: reciprocating discharge device and rotary scraper discharging device.
1. The reciprocating discharge device. Reciprocating discharging device can be divided into derrick, supporting rod type, roller type and other types. In the discharging board of drying machine, there are respectively a plurality of baffles and opening mouths, which are corresponding to the discharging mouths. When the discharge plate is doing reciprocating motion, it will lead to the gap between the baffle and discharge mouth, the material in the cylinder will be discharged from the opening. If the reciprocating motion is constant, the discharge port will continuously discharge the materials.
2. Rotary scraper discharging device. This kind of discharging device is often used for small drying machine in the early time. It has the advantages of simple structure, when the scraper rotates slowly, it can discharge the materials to the bottom of the equipment, finally discharge outside the cylinder through the screw auger. The disadvantage of the scraper is that the clearance of small drying machine is difficult to maintain consistent, so the discharge is not uniform, thus resulting in the exceeding of the prescribed standard.
After choosing the suitable discharging device, it also needs a good grasp of the material discharge speed. If the discharging speed is too slow, the raw materials will remain in the machine for a relatively long time. In the monotonous period, the material will continue to heat up, and the water will continuously evaporate, which will affect the water content of the discharged materials. Therefore, the working staff needs to control the speed in the production process.